Why Beekeeping Matters?

A third of our crops depends on bee pollination

A global yield of $200B of crops such as almonds, blueberries, and canola seed depend on the pollination services provided by managed bees.

The demand for honey bee pollination is rising

Research demonstrates that insect decline may lead to the extinction of 40% of the world's insect species over the next few decades. With wild pollinators disappearing, the demand for managed honey bee pollination has dramatically increased in the past 15 years. 

Beekeeping is less sustainable

Honey bees are not immune to the challenges faced by their wild pollinator peers. Approximately 40% of American bee hives die each year, up from a historic average of 15%. Raising honey bees is increasingly more expensive, as they require additional inputs to cope with an increasingly hostile environment.

Beekeeping needs to move forward

With an increased demand for honey bee pollination in agriculture, and an ever growing list of challenges faced by beekeepers to raise healthy bees, we need to find solutions. The lack of innovative tools accessible to the beekeeping industry is holding back its potential.

Let’s give bees a voice

Nectar equips beekeepers with data-driven tools that help give their bees a voice in an agriculture system that sometimes can't hear them. Our goal is to disrupt conventional agriculture and build a sustainable food system where pollinators are considered an essential factor in feeding our planet.

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